Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Pumpkin Spice & Fuzzy Boots

All month long I have been blessed with a newsfeed on Facebook full of people displaying gratitude for things in their life: their families, their homes, their friends, even circumstances that may not have once seemed like the greatest thing. I opted out of the "30 Days of Thankful" this year, not because I am not thankful, but simply because I have been focusing on so many other things that I did not want to commit to another daily task, although I am sure it would have been uplifting during these busy times to do so! I look forward to a long weekend ahead of me, today I have spent a lot of time in reflection of all the ways that God has blessed me, some of His ways have been mysterious and confusing, while others were direct and explicit. I am thankful for both categories.

In category 1: I have dealt with some setbacks. A personal lawsuit. A busy schedule so I rarely see my husband. An hour cut at my nine-to-five. However, all of those things intertwined together and I saw that it was finally time to work on answering that call God has been trying to put through for years. Thus, I got serious about doula-ing.

In category 2: I have a beautiful family. A loving church. A warm home. Friends, so many loving and dear friends. Most recently, a new job that is going to change a lot in our life in a great way. 

Sometimes I think that we go through those things in category 1 to appreciate category 2, sometimes I think its to make room for category 2, a means to an end. Then, sometimes I realize I do not understand God's ways and I shouldn't! He has a plan in store for me far greater than I could plan, so I try to sit back and go with it, listening to Him intently.

Anyway, on a sillier note, here are some concrete things on my thankful list. No, I don't have my own Doula, but I really hope that I can make other women's list in that spot! Through joy and support I hope to be a Doula that families are thankful for.

If that doesn't work, here is a fabulous Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats recipe that is a favorite of mine in this fall weather!

You Need:
  • 1/4 C. Oats (I prefer steel-cut)
  • 1/4 C.Pumpkin Puree
  • 1/2 C. Almond Milk 
  • 1 tsp. Honey (or to taste)
  • Pinch of Cinnamon, Ginger, and Nutmeg
  • Pecans or Walnuts (optional)
You Do:
  • Whisk together the pumpkin puree and almond milk
  • Slowly add in honey
  • Pinch in spices (now is a good time to test taste your ratios!)
  • Fold in oats and stir until fully coated
  • Cover bowl and leave in fridge overnight
  • Enjoy with nut topping!

Kindly, Jess

Friday, November 20, 2015

Breastfeeding Friday Begins!

My Polar Bear, Phoebe at 6 weeks gestation
Way back when, when I was a mother of just one beautiful lady and unaware that #2 was on her way, I started a blog. I got really into that blog and thought I was hot stuff for about a month. Then, I saw two pink lines to tell me #2 was on her way, and with those two pink lines came morning sickness, exhaustion, and all of the other first trimester fun that kept me away from that blog that I was so pumped up about.

One of my visions for that blog was to be a source of unofficial, but useful information for breastfeeding. I wanted it to be quirky (because, hi, I'm quirky) and fun, but informative. I want to take a minute to focus on the word "unofficial". In this case I want it to be synonymous with unlicensed and un-certified. Its not that lack confidence in my words that I do believe contain wisdom, but I just want to explicitly say that I am not a doctor, a nurse, a lactation consultant, or counselor. I do not have any legal certifying bodies that back up what I am saying, I have not (yet!) received a formal education or training on this particular topic. I am slightly, but only just so, ashamed to admit that I never really took much of a breastfeeding class.

So what credentials do I have? Well, I am the Momma of two lovely ladies, I nursed one until she weaned at 3.5 years old and the other (2 years old) is currently going strong. I like to brag, or complain depending on the day, that I have been pregnant and/or nursing since December of 2010. Yes, you read that right. There was a time when I was pregnant and nursing, about 41 weeks and 1 day of those shenanigans and then about a year and a half of nursing two little ravenous beasts darlings.

Over the past few years I have been blessed with a smorgasbord of issues. Yes, I see them as blessings because I was able to overcome them and continue to nurse my children and they imbibed me with knowledge, tricks, wisdom to pass on to other nursing mommas.

I had thrush, right out the gate (diagnosed in Labor & Delivery recovery). Supply issues that had me question my value as mother. Post-partum anxiety, because if there is a new way for me to get anxiety its going to happen! I had a bleb once, what's a bleb? My spellcheck doesn't even know what that word is! I had mastitis, latch issues, surgery, and, then, what I call the Peppermint Incident of 2011.

My goal (and fervent prayer) is that the things I experienced and the solutions I implemented through the undying support of so many beautiful women is passed on to any Momma who reads this with questions.

So, back to 2012 when I had that blog. I made this list and going over it three years later I still agree with it.

Over the next few weeks I plan on embellishing on these points. My goal is to have a "Breastfeeding Friday" regular post among my other semi-regular posts. I hope to give you my personal experience with other anecdotes I have heard as well as other harder and more concrete evidence to back up the stuff that I say... er, type. 

So, this was week one. And I will link the other ones probably right here to this post.If you have questions or concerns about what I write leave a comment or email me at - I look forward to all feedback, positive more-so than negative, but hey, lemonade and all that.

Week Two: Opening the Door

Joyfully, Jess.

My most trusted BFing website

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Oh, Mother Teresa...

I am not sure where or how, but sometime over the past couple of weeks I stumbled across this quote by Mother Teresa: "Joy is a net of love by with you can catch souls". This was so profound to me, it shocked me how well twelve words aligned with my entire (hopeful) life path! I am going to break this down word by beautiful word.

  • Joy: This word is in the my name. The name I hope to officially register and use as a midwife one day. It is something I hope to bring to every delivery room I enter and it is the number one emotion that I want people (mothers, fathers, grandmothers, sisters) to feel when they look back on the birth of a precious family member. 
  • Net of Love: What a visual this subphrase gives me! Beyond just embraces and physical affection or support, I think about a phrase that is popular among doulas  and midwives- holding the space. I am still learning what this means, and how I can accomplish it in a birth, but I imagine holding a space to be like filling a space with confidence, support, and trust. 
  • Catching Souls: What is it about a child's birth that makes it so precious? I don't believe it is the contractions, the discovery of bodily fluids, or the exhaustion. It is because a life, a brand new life is coming into the world! As a doula I won't be "catching" any babies in a physical sense, but I will be playing on the team. My job is to help bring a fresh soul into this world, and its magical.

Needless to say, I am just absolutely giddy about all of this. I found this quote as I am starting a journey that I believe whole heartedly, with fervent prayer, that God wants me on. I believe that He is holding my hand down this path and that He sent me this quote for reassurance and, dare I say, a reward? I keep thinking it about how not only is it a wonderful quote, but it came from a beautiful woman who a blessing to the world. 

Joyfully, Jess 

"I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete."2 John 1:12(NIV)

Sunday, November 1, 2015

An Announcement

I am so excited to share that I have officially begun a Doula certification course! Most certifications that I know of our costly for both my pocketbook and pocket watch*. Financially, we just can't afford the commitment of most courses that I've come across (although I am sure they are totally worth it!) Then, as far as time, well, I work full time, my husband works full time times two, and I have a couple of adorable children that demand a lot of my attention. Thus, I found the New Beginnings course, which is online at my own pace and with affordable monthly payments. I am thrilled to be at this point, the starting block, and diving in. I am curious to see how quickly I can complete the course.I do not want to make the mistake of burning through it without comprehending and digesting the material I go through, but I am so anxiously eager to get through it and continue on this journey.

I will keep everyone updated on my progress, including when I reach the point of certification!

*Okay, I don't actually have either of those things, but I thought it sounded good!