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An ever-growing list of blogs I love and I think you will, too! Mrs. None in the Oven Mrs. None in the Oven: A good friend...
"Jessey Christian was the best person to stumble upon during my pregnancy. The months leading up to my birth she made sure I was full...
Phot by Viktor Mogilat At the top of my list of tips for new breastfeeding mommas is to take a breastfeeding class. As full disclosure,...
Some written August 8th 2013, some October 13th 2015: For weeks upon weeks I had regular, painful contractions in the evening. I could t...
Note: This post was originally written in the summer of 2011 as I waited for #1 to make her appearance. I will be adding edits to the origin...
As written (with minor edits) September 26th 2011: Four weeks ago today, from this moment, I was recovering from one of the most hellis...
Before I dive in to this blog head first, I am going to dip my toe in timidly by saying that I am not innocent in recognizing just how flexi...
An ever-growing list of links and books I found to be helpful with my girls! The Happiest Baby on the Block, by Harvey Karp The Sleep Boo...
Hi! I am Jessica/Jessey/Jess. I am a 27 year old mother of 2 gorgeous gals (Esme-4, Phoebe-2) who currently finds herself in the biotech i...
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