Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Oh, Mother Teresa...

I am not sure where or how, but sometime over the past couple of weeks I stumbled across this quote by Mother Teresa: "Joy is a net of love by with you can catch souls". This was so profound to me, it shocked me how well twelve words aligned with my entire (hopeful) life path! I am going to break this down word by beautiful word.

  • Joy: This word is in the my name. The name I hope to officially register and use as a midwife one day. It is something I hope to bring to every delivery room I enter and it is the number one emotion that I want people (mothers, fathers, grandmothers, sisters) to feel when they look back on the birth of a precious family member. 
  • Net of Love: What a visual this subphrase gives me! Beyond just embraces and physical affection or support, I think about a phrase that is popular among doulas  and midwives- holding the space. I am still learning what this means, and how I can accomplish it in a birth, but I imagine holding a space to be like filling a space with confidence, support, and trust. 
  • Catching Souls: What is it about a child's birth that makes it so precious? I don't believe it is the contractions, the discovery of bodily fluids, or the exhaustion. It is because a life, a brand new life is coming into the world! As a doula I won't be "catching" any babies in a physical sense, but I will be playing on the team. My job is to help bring a fresh soul into this world, and its magical.

Needless to say, I am just absolutely giddy about all of this. I found this quote as I am starting a journey that I believe whole heartedly, with fervent prayer, that God wants me on. I believe that He is holding my hand down this path and that He sent me this quote for reassurance and, dare I say, a reward? I keep thinking it about how not only is it a wonderful quote, but it came from a beautiful woman who a blessing to the world. 

Joyfully, Jess 

"I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete."2 John 1:12(NIV)


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