Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Reviews from New Moms!

"Jessey Christian was the best person to stumble upon during my pregnancy. The months leading up to my birth she made sure I was fully prepared mentally, physically and emotionally. We met once a week but her phone was always on and ready to receive my questions. When we had those meetings she was...

Friday, January 8, 2016

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Due Dates are Irrelephant!

Before I dive in to this blog head first, I am going to dip my toe in timidly by saying that I am not innocent in recognizing just how flexible a "due date" is. With my second daughter (eight days past her EDD in August thankyouverymuch) I sat on my labor ball twenty-four-seven agonizing over the idea...

Friday, December 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Pumpkin Spice & Fuzzy Boots

All month long I have been blessed with a newsfeed on Facebook full of people displaying gratitude for things in their life: their families, their homes, their friends, even circumstances that may not have once seemed like the greatest thing. I opted out of the "30 Days of Thankful" this year, not because...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Breastfeeding Friday Begins!

My Polar Bear, Phoebe at 6 weeks gestation Way back when, when I was a mother of just one beautiful lady and unaware that #2 was on her way, I started a blog. I got really into that blog and thought I was hot stuff for about a month. Then, I saw two pink lines to tell me #2 was on her way, and with...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Oh, Mother Teresa...

I am not sure where or how, but sometime over the past couple of weeks I stumbled across this quote by Mother Teresa: "Joy is a net of love by with you can catch souls". This was so profound to me, it shocked me how well twelve words aligned with my entire (hopeful) life path! I am going to break this...